Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone - BOOK (finally I did it!!)

I was thinking a lot about this post. You know that feeling when you wanna write, and you're so inspired, but you just... can't? Mostly only reason for that is having no idea about what you want to write. And when that happens, I just sit and start writing about things that are on my mind these days. 

Like first Harry Potter book! 

Once I read somewhere ''I only wish that I could forget whole Harry Potter series and read it again, not knowing what is going to happen, just to feel magical again.'' 
And that made me thinking - why, the hell, I have never read any of the Harry Potter books? 

Well, the answer on that is pretty easy. I thought that movies are the whole story
Please, don't fall on the floor and die because you are laughing to hard (I know you're there, Potterheads).
But then something changed. I had marathon (8 movies for 8 days), where I re-watched whole saga, and I felt... empty. Like something is missing. That has never happened to me before, so it was very weird. And that was the moment when I decided. 
Fine, I'm going to read the books. 

And so I did. 
Well, the first one, for now. 
And I felt something. It sounds like bunch of crap, believe me, I know, but Harry Potter is magical, and you really can't just sit and pretend like that world is 'nah', because it isn't.
Let's first talk about the style that J. K. Rowling has. It feels like home to me, for some reason. Just all those descriptions are making me feel cozy, you know? Did anyone else felt that way while he/she (idk) was reading those books?

My absolute favorite chapter was 'The mirror of Erised', where is described Christmas at Hogwarts. One of my biggest wishes growing up. But you can just imagine how amazing to me was reading something that I loved so much in the movies. 
I have a habit that when I read books I underline sentences that I like and add some comments next to them ('cuz It's fun, duh). So these are some of the sentences that i loved in this chapter: 

*So the three of them followed Hagrid and his tree off to -the Great Hallwhere Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were busy with 
the Christmas decorations.*

*"I — don't — want'' said Percy thickly, as the twins forced the sweater over his head, knocking his glasses askew. 
"And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either," said George. "Christmas is a time for family." 
They frog-marched Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his side by his sweater.*

*Harry watched Hagrid getting redder and redder in the face as he called for more winefinally kissing Professor McGonagall on the cheekwhoto Harry's amazementgiggled and blushedher top hat lopsided.*

I love the fact that Harry got Weasley sweater, too. He never had a real family, so that is what Weasleys became to him. So precious (adore that word, for some reason). 

If you don't like Harry Potter because of the movies, please, go to the first bookstore that you can find, and get 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. Are you going to believe me when I tell you that you're gonna feel nothing but magical?
No? You still don't believe me? 
Well watch THIS then. It's a movie about J. K. Rowling. How she wrote the first book. It's inspiring on so many levels. 

I'm currently at the book two - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and It's AMAZING so far. Have you read Harry Potter books (or maybe just the first one, like me)? How do you feel about them? 
Oh, and sorry if my English is bad, I'm still learning. It'll get better, I promise! 

Do sledećeg puta!


  1. Harry Potter is the best book ever! 😍 I agree with you, dear!
    Have a nice day!


  2. Verovala ili ne,ja imam prva 3 dela Harija Potera u kući,ali ih nisam pročitala.To me prosto nije zanimalo,gledala sam filmove,ali nikada nisam osećala želju za čitanjem tog serijala.Zapravo,koliko god glupo to zvučalo,mislila sam da pola njih nije prevedeno na srpski,što je glupo,znam.Doduše,gledala sam skoro 2.deo,i po prvi put sam se zapitala kako je knjiga napisana.Mislim da ću pročitati makar prvi deo,samo da ga nađem,naravno.Odličan post!❤

    Blog:Just Bebe

  3. Анониман10. март 2018. 09:00

    Veliki sam Potterhead. Filmove sam odgledala nekoliko puta i nikad mi ne dosade. Pre dve godine sam bila u tom fazonu kao što si i ti bila. Mislila sam da sam odgledala filmove, pa šta će mi knjige. Ali onda mi je sestra poklonila prvi deo ovog serijala. Pročitala sam je u jednom danu i veoma sam oduševljena. Jer kod nas nema knjižare niti biblioteke, nisam mogla nabaviti ostale knjige, pa sam ih čitala preko interneta, u PDF formatu. Trenutno čitam petu knjigu i stvarno je divna.

    Pogledaj moj zadnji post - Q&A

    1. Isto omg. Ja sam trenutno na drugoj knjizi i fenomenalna je. Prosto obozavam Hari Potera hahah <3

  4. Aj'm veri hepi bikoz of ju. 😊😊
    Volim Hari Poter filmove, ali nikad nisam bila toliki zaluđenik Hari poterom da uhvatim da čitam knjigu od 800 strana. 😂 Znači, svaka tebi čast na ovome. Btw, je l' nastavljaš da pišeš na engleskom ili kako?

    Inače, ja sam pokušala da se ponovo navučem na čitanje k'o pre tri godine (bukvalno si me ti inspirisala), i pročitala sam 40- ak strana za par sati i tu sam stala. Evo već dva dana ne čitam. Šit, nisam znala da će ovako teško da mi padne 😂 Zato tebi svaka čast 👏👏👏

    Novi post: The girl named Ana

    1. Ahahhaha pa makar si probala. Mozda jos uvek nisi nasla pravu knjigu hahah.
      A sto se engleskog tice, ma neee. Ponekad cu da pisem postove na engleskom ali i dalje ce vecina biti na srpskom.
      Inace hvalaa <33

  5. Ne mogu ti opisati koliko se osjeti strast u tvome pisanju, doslovno osjetim koliko uživaš u tome što je na kraju i najvažnije! Oduševi me svaki tvoj post, bez pretjerivanja, vrlo si talentirana i od sada ću svaki puta jedva čekati sljedeći post. Čitamo se, draga!

    Happy But Mess

  6. Great post dear. I love harry potter. I m following you and I will be very happy if you follow back 😊

  7. Thanks for following dear I m following back 😊

  8. Thanks for following dear I m following back 😊

  9. Hey dear!!!
    LLoved the post, seriusly love Harry Potter, all the story and fanatic with all the book <3
    I follow your blog back, just love it <3


  10. Wow, svaka ti čast. Uvijek sam htjela da pogledam sve dijelove filma i ofc pročitam sve knjige, ali ne mogu reći da sam bila istrajna u toj odluci. U svakom slučaju odličan post, prvi put sam na tvom blogu i odličan je❤


  11. Hey Nina! Thanks for your comment and visit :)
    I´d followed you back to dear. <3


  12. Thanks for the visit on my blog. I'm following you with pleasure! have a nice day :*


  13. beautiful blog! I really like how you write
    and what you give photos. wonderful!
    I have a question, you will agree to follow for follow?
    I like to be in touch with inspirational blogs.
    Greetings from Poland!

  14. Ovo je jedna od meni najdražih knjiga uz koju je odrastanje bilo još lepše, mnogo mi je drago da si pisala o njoj! :D


  15. I haven't read Harry Potter books but I have many friends that love the saga!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the book :)


    Seize your Style

  16. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is a captivating tale that introduces readers to a world of magic, wonder, and adventure. J.K. Best Mouse Rowling's vivid storytelling and relatable characters have enchanted audiences of all ages, making it a timeless classic in the realm of fantasy literature.


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